Friday, March 31, 2023

 An option worth considering for Welsh Republicans.

A single-issue party is what it says on the tin, a political party that campaigns on only one issue; it can also be a protest vote. Such a party slams the door shut on those who want to sink the movement at birth by criticising its policies as too woke or fascist; we all know how they work. 

Single-issue politics is hardly a new phenomenon. In the 1880s, the third government of William Ewart Gladstone made British politics, in practical terms, single-issue, around the Home Rule Bill, leading to a split of the Liberal Party.

The most successful electorally British single-issue party is the pro-Brexit UKIP, which later, due to its success, started to formulate other policies.

If Welsh Republicans decided to run as a single-issue party by solely campaigning for an independent Welsh Republic, it would give the movement much-needed publicity and impetus.


Furthermore, with the party only having one objective, initially, candidates wouldn't need to canvass because the sole aim would be on the ballot paper - Gweriniaeth Cymru / Republic of Wales.   

If the party gains momentum, it could consider entering the Welsh national elections by selecting favourable constituencies.

Realistically, the likelihood of winning any seats sometime soon is unlikely, but it would set the foundation for a Welsh Republican political movement. It must start somewhere.

If successful, the party could formulate a pro-Cymru manifesto later to protect and preserve our national identity and communities.

Too much to ask? Not if Welsh Republicans are serious about opposing a foreign monarchy lording itself over our nation. 

Join the campaign, and consider a small donation here. Diolch!

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

We must eradicate the influence of the monarchy and its institutions in Cymru; it should have no place in a cultured society. Murderous actions, theft and greed founded the British monarchy. The whole system vomits inequality and elitism. Join the fight!

I, like many other Welsh nationalists, have for decades thought that Cymru needs a republican party. I've attached below the reasons why we need one. Setting up such a party would be easy, but it would need time to grow and attract other like-minded patriots who are far better qualified to make this mission successful. 

Many will agree that attempting something noble and failing is better than sitting on your hands and doing nothing.

Numerous Welsh patriots want to see an independent Cymru become a republic with an elected Head of State and a presidential system similar to the Republic of Ireland's.

Our mission is to campaign now for a republic and ensure the people of Cymru are free to make this choice in an independent Cymru when the time arrives via a referendum.

Cymru needs a political party that puts its citizens first by demanding more social housing for locals, decent public transport and valued employment rather than relying on seasonal minimum-wage jobs.

This nation needs a political force that openly rejects the monarchy and its influence in Cymru, who will campaign to return our stolen lands and profits from the crown estate and challenge the treacherous Welsh institutions that support them. 

We need to contest the ownership of Welsh land by foreign investors, protect our rural way of life, and nationalise our water and onshore/offshore wind farms to reap the profit.

Cymru has four nationalist political parties; to date, none are republican. The absence of republican representation on the political menu is a bizarre situation for a nation like ours when the press recently reported that Cymru was Britain's most anti-monarchy nation. Recent polls have shown that support for the British monarchy continues to wane in Cymru, particularly amongst our youth.

With the appointment of an unpopular King and a colonial Prince enforced upon our nation, the time for a republican party is ripe.

Remember, history tells us that the grass-root movements have caused the fall of many powerful monarchs; those at the top of the tree stayed silent or defended them because they often had too much to lose.

If you agree, join the campaign, and please consider a small donation here. Diolch!

What is needed now is for active republicans to step forward and volunteer their services to help mould the proposed party. If you are one of these, don't hesitate to contact me via a DM on Twitter - Welsh-Republic or leave a message below. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

So what benefits does this offer Cymru?

Scientists predict that because of the increasing water shortage, water will become the most sought-after natural resource and will likely cause conflict in the 21st century. 

Water is the most valuable commodity a nation can have; those nations without it will struggle to thrive. Moreover, global water demand is increasing at 2.3 per cent annually, doubling every 21 years. ''Supply can no longer keep up with this growth rate,'' the World Bank warns.

Recently, plans for a massive new pipeline to transfer water from Cymru to London and other parts of southeast England by United Utilities, Severn Trent Water and Thames Water, who are liaising over the project, designed to ease the threat of water restrictions in southern England. If the proposals materialise, up to 155 million litres per day could be diverted from the Vyrnwy reservoir to the Thames basin. So what benefits does this offer Cymru?

Brit unionists have always told Welsh nationalists that we can't survive without England; we're too small and poor and have nothing significant to offer except sheep. Yet here we are with England wanting more of our water, a natural resource that Cymru has in abundance, a valuable commodity that they need to thrive or even survive as a prosperous nation.

Cymru holds the trump card here, a sought-after natural resource that will only increase in value. Water could be considered more valuable than oil or gold in the future. Our little old country could become very wealthy if we protected our water and stopped it from being syphoned away by our thirsty, thieving neighbour. The Welsh Government needs to wake up and realise that our water can transform Cymru into a wealthy nation.

Powys Council is on the right track - A Welsh council wants to tax companies which take its water and energy for use elsewhere. Powys council said it had written to the Welsh and UK governments asking for permission.

England must realise that Cymru is not their property to plunder; we hold the key to their future survival. Their saviour is called water, Welsh water, and they must learn to pay for it, and in an independent republic of Cymru, they will.

  Allies will be pleased to know that Gweriniaeth Cymru now has a new website; it will be expanded in due course - https://www.gweriniaethcy...