Monday, February 27, 2023

Gweriniaeth Cymru / Republic of Wales wants to see an independent Cymru become a republic with an elected Head of State; we want to see a presidential system similar to the Republic of Ireland's. 

Our mission is to campaign now for a republic and ensure the people of Cymru are free to make this choice in an independent Cymru when the time arrives via a referendum. 

Our nation continues to wallow in a stagnant pool of poverty. In contrast, the self-indulgent undemocratic foreign monarchy and its supporting institutions continue unchallenged by all Welsh political parties. History has shown us that British rule and its unconstitutional monarchy are oppressing Cymru.

Gweriniaeth Cymru / Republic of Wales adheres to the belief that the citizens of Cymru are sovereign and should be free to choose the future of an independent Cymru.

The English/British monarchy is obsolete; it's time for a change.

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  Allies will be pleased to know that Gweriniaeth Cymru now has a new website; it will be expanded in due course - https://www.gweriniaethcy...